
Learn how effectively manage issues to communicate changes in functionality or service availability through your Status Page.

What is an Issue?

An Issue is created to communicate a change in functionality or availability of your services. An Issue has the following fields:

  1. Affected Component

  2. Affected Component Impact

  3. Status Message

  4. Issue Message(s)

Add Issue

To add an issue,

  1. Navigate to Status Page -> select or search for your desired status page.

  2. Click on the status page to navigate to the Status Page Details page.

  3. In the Issue section, click Add Issue.

  4. Enter the Issue Title, this would be the Status Message conveying the issue and impact.

Note: We only support editing the Issue Title for historical issues.

  1. Select the overall Page Status.

  2. Next, select the Component Group and the Impact.

  3. Add the Issue State and its messaging.

Note: You can manually select the Date & Time of the Message Update.

  1. Once you have added all your preferred settings, click Save.

Add an Issue in Status Page
Image. Add Issue
Add an Issue State & Messaging in Status Page
Image. Add Issue State & Messaging

Update Issue States & Messages

Once your issue is created, you can add update the Issue States & Messages, to do so:

  1. Hover over the Issue from the Issue List -> Update State & Messages

  2. You can edit an existing message or add another update.

  3. Moreover, you can change the State by clicking on them.

Important: Before you change the Issue State to Resolved, we recommend you change the Page and Component Status from non-operational. Resolving it would mean you are closing this issue and you will no longer be able to add new updates to this issue.

Note: After the resolution of the issue, the only available option for the Page and Component Status is to set it as "Operational."

Image. Update Issue States
Image. Update Issue Message

Delete an Issue

To delete an Issue from the Status Page,

  1. Navigate to Status Page -> select or search for your desired status page.

  2. Click on the status page to navigate to the Status Page Details page.

  3. In the Issue section, against the Issue you wish to delete, click More options.

  4. Click Delete, and a confirmation model will appear.

  5. Click Delete again, to confirm.

Important: This action would remove the Issue from the recorded Issue History.

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Last updated