Organization Level Analytics

Organization Level Analytics provides a comprehensive view of incidents, response metrics, and alert noise reduction across all teams within your organization.

Note: Users with the ‘Org Analytics’ organization permission can view organization level analytics

Incident Overview

Chart Title


Total count of incidents across all teams with a comparison with the previous time period

Incident Count by Status

Total count of incidents across all teams, grouped by status

Incident Count by Priority

Total count of incidents across all teams, grouped by priority

Incident Count Over Time

Total count of incidents across all teams, grouped by date of creation You can further group this chart by status or priority

Incident Count by Team

Total count of incidents across all teams, grouped by Team The top 10 teams by incident count is displayed by default. To view the count of incidents for each team, you can export this chart

Response Metrics

Note: Like with team level analytics, you can aggregate TTA and TTR by mean, median, P75, P90, and P99

Chart Title

MTTA (or xTTA)

MTTA (or xTTA) across all teams with a comparison with the previous time period

MTTR (or xTTR)

MTTR (or xTTR) across all teams with a comparison with the previous time period

MTTA (or xTTA) over Time

MTTA (or xTTA) across all teams, grouped by date of incident creation

MTTR (or xTTR) over Time

MTTR (or xTTR) across all teams, grouped by date of incident creation

Alert Noise Reduction

Count of Silenced Alerts

Count of silenced alerts


count of transient alerts identified using Auto Pause Transient Alerts (APTA)

+ count of alerts suppressed using alert suppression rules

+ count of alerts deduplicated using dedupe keys or dedupe rules

+ count of alerts grouped using Intelligent Alert Grouping (IAG)

Note: This chart shows data across all teams in your org

Noise Reduction by Team



Count of transient alerts for the chosen team identified using APTA

Intelligently Grouped

Count of alerts for the team that were grouped using Intelligent Alert Grouping


Count of alerts for the team that were deduped using Dedupe Keys or Dedupe Rules


Count of alerts for the team suppressed using Suppression Rules

Noise Reduction %

(Count of silenced alerts for the team) ÷ (Count of incoming alerts for the team)


Each chart can be exported as a CSV file.

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