
Send alerts to Squadcast from RapidSpike

RapidSpike is a website monitoring solution that focuses on all three key aspects of website health: performance, reliability and security in a single dashboard.

Route alerts from RapidSpike to the right users in Squadcast.

Using RapidSpike as an Alert Source

  1. Navigate to Services -> Service Overview -> select or search for your Service. Expand the accordion -> In the Alert Sources section, click Add.

  1. Select RapidSpike. Copy the displayed Webhook URL to configure it within RapidSpike. Finish by clicking Add Alert Source -> Done.


When an alert source turns Active, it’ll show up under Configured Alert Sources. You can either generate a test alert from the integration or wait for a real-time alert to be generated by the Alert Source. An Alert Source is active if there is a recorded incident via that Alert Source for the Service.

Create a Squadcast Webhook Alert in RapidSpike

(1) Login to your RapidSpike dashboard and navigate to the Settings menu. Under the Settings menu, click on Integrations

(2) Under the Integrations menu, click on Webhooks. Then click on + Add

(3) Fill in the Label, paste the previously copied Squadcast Webhook URL in the placeholder for Webhook URL and select Request Type as POST. Then click on Add

That's it, you are good to go! Your RapidSpike integration is now complete.

Whenever RapidSpike fires an alert, an incident will be created in Squadcast for it.

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Last updated