
Webforms can help stakeholders & the customers of an organization easily report issues

Squadcast allows organizations to expand their customer support by hosting public Webforms, so their customers can quickly create an alert from outside the Squadcast ecosystem. Not only this, but internal stakeholders can also leverage Webforms for easy alert creation.

Webforms also support custom CNAMES so you can host them on your own domain, say https://support.example.com.

Check out our blog post here for more information!

Webforms will be available in the Premium and Enterprise plans only.

Note: We utilise a reCaptcha integration to our hosted Webforms, adding an extra layer of security against bot-based spamming.

Configure a Webform

To configure a webform:

  1. Navigate to Webforms -> Create Webform

  2. Setting up a Webform consists of 4 steps:

Step 1: Form Configuration

  1. Give the Webform a Name

Configure Webforms in Squadcast

2. By default, every Webform has a public URL (Squadcast hosted). However, you can also set up custom CNAMES so you can host them on your own domain

Set up custom domain for Webforms

3. Associate tag key-value pairs with your Webforms

Create tags for Webforms

Step 2: Define Owner & Services

  1. Choose the owner of the Webform. The owner can be a user, or a squad in which the Webform is being set up.

  2. Select the services that would be displayed on the Webform. For the selected services, aliases can be defined. This is especially important since your services in Squadcast might have names that are internal/technical for your customers/stakeholders

Define Owner and Services for Webforms

Step 3: Input Configuration

  1. Here is where you can define the input fields reporters can associate with the alerts they create. Specify the Input fields that the reporter will see on the Webform and can select one of the options against the label.

  2. Give each input field type a label and options. This helps the reporter to understand which label would be most relevant to them while creating the alert. These labels will be reflected as tags for the created alert.

Configure Input Fields in the Webform

Step 4: Customise your Webform by providing Additional Details

  1. Fill in the Form Header, Title, and Description fields to customize and give more context to your users

  2. Upload a logo (of size not larger than 70 kB)

  3. The Footer Text and Link fields can be used to route your users to your website, a mail link, or even a Status Page if you use one!

  4. If you want your reporter to receive email updates for the issue reported, you can choose the option(s) - send an email on the issue “trigger”, send an email on the issue “acknowledged by internal team”, send an email on the issue “resolution”

Customize the Webform in Squadcast

With this, your Webform configuration is complete! Depending on the mode of setup for hosting your Webform, your Webform will now be publicly accessible.

Issues reported here will create incidents in Squadcast for the selected Service. The severity selected here gets added as a tag to the incident. The creation of the incident will, in turn, will trigger the Escalation Policies accordingly.

There are 2 ways in which the right responders are notified of Webform incidents:

  1. If there are Routing Rules defined for severities of the services listed in the Webform, the tag would then trigger the configured Routing Rules. Based on the Routing Rules defined, the right user, squad, or escalation will be notified for the incident.

  2. If there are no Routing Rules defined for severities of the services listed in the Webform, then the default escalation policy of the service for which the incident has been triggered will be executed.

Things to Understand

1. Every user in the team needs to have the right set of permissions (configured from the Settings page) to CRUD Webforms

2. The listing page for Webforms contains the following information:

a) The name of the Webform

b) Quick link to the Webform

c) Form Owner

d) Quick link to view incidents (Tip: Once you land on the Incident List page, apply the filter Alert Source > Webform)

e) Services associated with the Webform

f) MTTR of the incidents associated with each of the Webforms; this metric helps teams understand how quickly customer/stakeholder-reported issues are being resolved

3. Once a Webform is deleted, it appears as grayed out on the listing page of Webforms

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Last updated