Sensu Go

Get alerts from Sensu Go into Squadcast

Follow the steps below to configure a service so as to push related alert data from Sensu Go onto Squadcast.

Squadcast will then process this information to create incidents for this service as per your preferences.

Using Sensu Go as an Alert Source

  1. Navigate to Services -> Service Overview -> select or search for your Service. Expand the accordion -> In the Alert Sources section, click Add.

2. Select Sensu Go. Copy the displayed Webhook URL to configure it within Sensu Go. Finish by clicking Add Alert Source -> Done.


When an alert source turns Active, it’ll show up under Configured Alert Sources, you can either generate a test alert from the integration or wait for a real-time alert to be generated by the Alert Source. An Alert Source is active if there is a recorded incident via that Alert Source for the Service.

Squadcast handler installation

If you're using sensuctl 5.13 with Sensu Backend 5.13 or later, you can use the following command to add the asset:

sensuctl asset add sensu/sensu-squadcast-handler

Installation from source

Download the latest version of the sensu-squadcast-handler from releases, or create an executable script by cloning the sensu-squadcast-handler repository. From the local path of the sensu-squadcast-handler repository run the following command:


For the command mentioned below to work, you would need Go Programming Language installed beforehand.

go build -o /usr/local/bin/sensu-squadcast-handler

Create a squadcast-handler.yaml file like the following :-

type: Handler
api_version: core/v2
  name: squadcast
  namespace: default
  command: sensu-squadcast-handler
  - SENSU_SQUADCAST_APIURL= <Squadcast Alert Source Url>
  - SquadcastHub/sensu-squadcast-handler
  - is_incident 
  timeout: 10
  type: pipe

Make sure to replace <Squadcast Alert Source Url> with the webhook url you copied from Squadcast.

Then run the following command :-

sensuctl create -f squadcast-handler.yaml

While creating checks for your client systems make sure to add squadcast as a handler. An example check using the squadcast handler is shown below :-

api_version: core/v2
type: CheckConfig
  namespace: default
  name: health-check
  command: check-http -u http://localhost:8080/health
  - test
  publish: true
  interval: 10
  - squadcast

Now whenever an event is triggered in Sensu Go , an incident will be created automatically in Squadcast. Also when an event is resolved in Sensu Go the corresponding incident gets auto-resolved in Squadcast.

Last updated

Change request #426: Past Incidents